Nairobi National Park

Exploring Nairobi National Park: Where Wildlife Meets the City


Nestled on the outskirts of Kenya’s bustling capital city, Nairobi National Park stands as a unique testament to the harmonious coexistence of wildlife and urban life. With its diverse ecosystems, abundant wildlife, and convenient proximity to the city, this national park offers an extraordinary experience that is unlike any other in the world. Join us as we embark on a virtual journey through Nairobi National Park, discovering its natural wonders, conservation efforts, and the captivating fusion of nature and civilisation.

A Sanctuary within the City:

One of the most remarkable aspects of Nairobi National Park is its location. Spanning an area of 117 square kilometers, this national park is situated just a few kilometers away from the heart of Nairobi. This proximity allows visitors to witness the breathtaking spectacle of wild animals against the backdrop of the city’s skyscrapers, creating a unique blend of wilderness and urbanity.

Biodiversity and Ecosystems:

Despite its relatively small size, Nairobi National Park boasts a rich variety of ecosystems, each supporting a diverse range of wildlife. The park encompasses open grass plains, acacia woodlands, rocky valleys, and riverine forests, offering a unique mix of habitats for different species to thrive. Visitors can encounter over 100 mammal species, including the endangered black rhinoceros, lions, leopards, buffalos, giraffes, zebras, and countless bird species. It is a haven for nature enthusiasts, birdwatchers, and photographers.

Conservation and Protection:

Established in 1946, Nairobi National Park was the first national park in Kenya and one of the earliest in Africa. Its primary objective was to provide a sanctuary for the black rhinoceros, which was facing severe threats due to poaching. Over the years, the park has played a crucial role in the conservation and protection of wildlife. It serves as a vital dispersal area for migratory species and supports key conservation programs aimed at preserving endangered species.

Nairobi Safari Walk and Animal Orphanage:

For those seeking a closer encounter with Nairobi’s wildlife, the Nairobi Safari Walk and Animal Orphanage offer an excellent opportunity. Located within the park, these facilities provide a unique educational experience. The Safari Walk offers elevated boardwalks that meander through different habitats, allowing visitors to observe various animals up close. The Animal Orphanage provides a temporary home for young and injured animals, with a focus on rehabilitation and release back into the wild.

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust:

Adjacent to Nairobi National Park lies the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, a renowned elephant and rhino orphanage. The trust rescues, rehabilitates, and releases orphaned elephants and rhinos, providing them with the necessary care and protection. Visitors can witness the incredible work being done at the trust, including the daily public viewing sessions where young elephants are fed and interact with their caretakers.


Nairobi National Park is a unique gem, seamlessly blending the wild wonders of Africa with the vibrancy of a modern metropolis. Its proximity to Nairobi offers a remarkable opportunity to experience wildlife against an urban backdrop, making it an unparalleled destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. The park’s commitment to conservation, coupled with the various educational facilities and conservation organisations within its vicinity, reinforces the importance of preserving Kenya’s natural heritage. Whether you’re a resident or a traveller passing through, a visit to Nairobi National Park is an experience that should not be missed.



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